Farmdale Blossom in Tomato by Alexander Henry Fabrics Vintage inspired floral fabric on red background
Boardwalk Bliss on black by Alexander Henry Fabrics Large scale print 4" - 5 1/2" images tossed on black cotton fabric Print pattern is non-directional with 24" vertical repeat
Mahalo Girls on blue by Alexander Henry Fabrics 3 12/" - 5 1/2" vintage pinup girls on blue cotton fabric Print pattern in one way railroad direction with 12" vertical...
I Heart Animals in Primary by Alexander Henry Fabrics 1" - 5" animals on natural white cotton fabric Print pattern is one-way railroad directional with 8" vertical repeat
Tiki Dreams Rum Swizzle in Natural by Alexander Henry Fabrics Large scale print 6" hula girl23 1/2" pattern repeat
Bangle Dot' in turquoise by Alexander Henry Fabrics Quilters cotton